BTSE AMA Highlights: A Conversation with Keith Rumjahn, CEO of OliveX (BVI) Limited, on October 7, 2021

13 min readOct 18, 2021


On October 7, 2021, the BTSE Telegram Community invited OliveX (BVI) Limited CEO Keith Rumjahn for an AMA.

OliveX (BVI) is building a fitness metaverse where players can work out at home, in the gym, or outdoors to gain in-game rewards. These experiences are linked together with DOSE, which can be attained as a reward in one experience and spent in another.

Here are the consolidated and edited highlights of the AMA.

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OliveX’s Team

BTSE Moderator:

Today, we are excited to have Keith Rumjahn from OliveX-DOSE join us for our event! Please introduce yourself and your team.

Keith Rumjahn:

Hi everyone, my name is Keith Rumjahn. I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of OliveX (BVI), a digital lifestyle company focused on the health and fitness industry that provides applications, ‘smart technology,’ and a user experience built on AI, gamification, and premium content. We are building a fitness metaverse that enables real-world fitness to merge with the digital universe to engage consumers with brands, influencers, and coaches.

We are backed by some of the most prestigious investors in the world, such as Animoca Brands, which is a global leader in blockchain gaming.

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OliveX’s Background & Relationship with Animoca Brands

BTSE Moderator:

Could you please explain the background of OliveX (BVI) and DOSE and what the relationship is with Animoca Brands?

Keith Rumjahn:

OliveX (BVI) is a spin-off company of Animoca Brands and one of the leading gamified fitness developers in the Asia Pacific region. We have a proven track record of successful fitness apps. Animoca Brands Limited is a shareholder in OliveX (BVI) and will collaborate on the development of the token. $DOSE is our main token for use within our ecosystem of games.

BTSE Moderator:

Under the OliveX (BVI) brand, there is the KARA Smart Fitness mirror, Zombies, Run!, and 22 Pushups. What is the relationship between DOSE and all of this?

Keith Rumjahn:

22 Pushups, KARA Smart Fitness, and Zombies, Run! (STS) are part of the OliveX (BVI) Holdings Enterprise. The ethos being that users of the platforms are motivated to be more active. $DOSE is intended to be leveraged as a cross-title utility within the OliveX (BVI) ecosystem and has been designed to be the driving force behind the Run-for-Reward, Sweat-to-Win model in OliveX (BVI) product universe, such as KARA Smart Fitness, 22 PushUps, and upcoming Dustland Runner (built on the success of Zombies, Run!). Zombies, Run! is already a proven success with thousands of downloads and reviews from active users.

Check out our app!

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Core Team’s Main Goal

BTSE Moderator:

What’s the core team’s main goal? How will it be accomplished?

Keith Rumjahn:

We are currently building the world’s first fitness metaverse, connecting the real-world physical to the virtual world. DOSE token plays a significant role as it will be a cross-title utility token that connects players with different workout base gameplay under our fitness empire.

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OliveX’s Partners & Investors

BTSE Moderator:

Besides Animoca Brands, how many investors or partners do you have on the team?

Do you have an interest in forming ties with other organizations? If so, who, and why?

Keith Rumjahn:

OliveX (BVI) has over 50 investors and partners, including sports associations, brands, and other players in the crypto space. More on that will come in an official announcement from the team in the future.

And definitely, we are happy to form ties with the wider community, and we love collaboration!

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DOSE Token

BTSE Moderator:

What is DOSE’s vision for the future?

Keith Rumjahn:

Our vision is to create a fitness metaverse where players can work out in the gym, at home, or outdoors. DOSE will become the main utility token across all gameplay under our fitness empire. They can even unlock NFT while running, which can be used in other games in the future.

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What Problems does OliveX (BVI) Solve?

BTSE Moderator:

What is the biggest problem your team is trying to solve with your platform?

Keith Rumjahn:

Since we are the first fitness metaverse, it will take time for people to get familiar with this concept. But, given the amount of value that we can potentially deliver, we are confident in building the bridge to link up the two groups of people!

BTSE Moderator:

What do you consider to be DOSE’s strongest suit?

Keith Rumjahn:

We are at the intersection of fitness gaming and blockchain, and we are the #1 gamified fitness app in Zombies, Run! We understand how to gamify fitness with a proven engine in Zombies, Run! Many people downloaded our app, and it has over 300K monthly active users. We’re also one of the few fitness games that has gameplay that people play for years.

BTSE Moderator:

With this fitness metaverse concept, how do you think DOSE will impact the lives of your users?

Keith Rumjahn:

Health is wealth. It will be amazing if we can encourage people to exercise more and improve their fitness while getting rewarded with tokens, in other words, sweat-for-rewards! If we can motivate even 1% of the world to move 10% more, it will be world-changing.

BTSE Moderator:

Tell us more about the token you’ve created — DOSE token. First of all, why is it named DOSE?

Keith Rumjahn:

DOSE is an acronym for the feel-good chemicals you release when playing an exercise game like 22 Pushups, KARA Smart Fitness, or Dustland Runner. DOSE stands for Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin.

Together DOSE gives you a sense of euphoria and makes you feel happy and good! By combining this concept into the blockchain gaming world, we are going to bring fitness to a whole new audience.

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DOSE Token Function

BTSE Moderator:

What is the function of the DOSE token?

Keith Rumjahn:

$DOSE is an ERC-20 token, which is the main utility token in our fitness metaverse.

Players can earn DOSE tokens for completing workout-based games in 22 Pushups, KARA Smart Fitness, and Dustland Runner. These tokens can be used to unlock items, purchase NFTs and participate in special events and game modes.

Here are some of the ways to use $DOSE:

NFT Sales: DOSE can be used to purchase official Dustland Runner NFTs directly from the game or potentially via a secondary marketplace, which would be revealed in due course. NFTs will be sold individually and via packs and range from avatars to cosmetics, vehicles, and virtual land.

Note: There is no overlap between NFTs dropped through play and NFTs available for purchase directly from the game.

Entry Fees & Limited-Time Events: While the core experience of Dustland Runner is free, DOSE is used as an entry fee to special game modes and limited-time events, including Virtual Races and PvP battles. A portion of the gameplay fees collected will be granted to participating players as a reward for their participation and performance.

Upgrades & Unlocks: As players progress in the game, they can spend DOSE tokens to unlock more options and utility in the game. This includes expanding the number of slots in their NFT loadouts, as well as evolving some NFTs past their leveling cap (e.g., vehicles).

Seasonal Battlepass Subscription: Players can optionally purchase access to a seasonal Battlepass, giving them access to time-limited narrative missions as well as a tiered reward system to unlock limited edition NFTs.

You can read more about our token on Medium.

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DOSE Token Listings

BTSE Moderator:

Will there be any listings on exchanges in the future?

Keith Rumjahn:

Yes, DOSE will be available via IDO on DEX and CEX platforms, details will be announced soon, and many more to come! The direction will be run-for-reward and sweat-to-win.

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NFT Launches

BTSE Moderator:

Will there be any upcoming NFT launches as well?

Keith Rumjahn:

The accessories and game assets at Dustland Runner will be available as NFTs in due course. For instance, we are going to have a Land NFT sale after the token launch.

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DOSE vs. Competitors

BTSE Moderator:

How does DOSE compare to other metaverses?

Keith Rumjahn:

As you may know, there is no fitness metaverse out there yet. We are the leaders in this metaverse. The gameplay under our fitness empire is also backed by working products such as KARA Smart Fitness and Zombies, Run!, which are all well-known health and fitness apps that provide experience about fitness behind our project. Most importantly, OliveX (BVI) is a spin-off company of Animoca Brands, and we have a list of investors from there to potentially work with their blockchain projects.

BTSE Moderator:

There are numerous blockchain-based games out there; how does OliveX (BVI) compare to those?

Keith Rumjahn:

Sweat-to-win and Run-for-Reward is the model behind our blockchain games; this is a brand new concept of connecting real-world fitness to the metaverse, so that means players need to physically work out to get rewards. Also, the foundation of our upcoming gameplay is based on the game engine and technology of Zombies, Run!, which has over 300,000 monthly active users and 50,000 paying subscribers. We have an existing game engine that people love to play, which is not easy to do.

BTSE Moderator:

Are there any plans for the OliveX (BVI) team to engage in brand sponsorships and partnerships with celebrities and athletes?

Keith Rumjahn:

Yes. We have partnered with many renowned brands and celebrities. For instance, we have partnerships with world-leading brands in Les Mills, Anytime Fitness, Gym Aesthetics, and Gold’s gym, through our gym management solution. On our KARA Smart fitness product, we have partnered with celebrity coaches such as Coffee Lam and Nike master trainer Utah Lee.

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Community Questions

Aqua2iK Orr (@Aqua2iK):

COVID-19 has slowed down many economies worldwide, but does it affect you negatively or positively as a crypto business? Are you still on track to achieve your goals, or are you planning a new development?

Keith Rumjahn:

COVID-19 has helped us positively. We saw a significant increase in downloads for zombies run, and running, in general, is one of the fastest-growing segments in fitness post-COVID-19.

We also saw a massive increase in sales for our Kara product, and across the board, connected fitness is taking off.

The world is moving to a new hybrid normal. People will combine their physical gym membership with a digital fitness membership, which we are in a prime position to take advantage of.

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Ara Dowling (@dowlingarara):

How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not good? Do you have local communities like Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, Korea, etc., so they can better understand your project?

Keith Rumjahn:

Great question. We have a long history of making gamified apps, and we have partnerships with the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. In the past, we have over 5M downloads, mainly from Southeast Asia, for our apps.

We have a playbook to get adoption in Asia, and one of the key things is localization, which we are already doing and have experience doing.

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AF (@JuliaBeltAf):

What is the background of your project’s team? Do you think your team’s qualifications and experience can support the long-term development of the project?

Keith Rumjahn:

We have an all-star team. Yat Siu, the chairman of Animoca Brands, is on our board. Adrian Hon is the leading gamified fitness expert in the world. Our game designer is from Ubisoft. Our writer for the game won numerous awards, including a Hugo nomination. I’ve worked on fitness and sports apps for 8+ years and developed the #1 sports app on the app stores.

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Begay (@Jenee_begay):

The crypto industry is fast-paced; how flexible is your project to change quickly and keep pace with technology trends? What is your long-term vision for the forecasting industry in which your project operates?

Keith Rumjahn:

Yes. That’s why we’re building a fitness metaverse. We want to play nice with others, too. I believe the next phase of NFTs is more utility and interoperability.

Unlike the traditional game industry, where each game is a silo, NFTs allow different games to be interconnected, hence fitness metaverse.

So if you run 100 km to unlock a yellow t-shirt, you should be able to use that in other fitness games too!

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Hai Con Cho (@juniorlirae :

The idea of the project is unique and incredible; how did this idea come about?

Keith Rumjahn:

We’ve been doing gamified fitness for four years now. We were inspired by Pokémon Go, arguably the best-gamified fitness experience ever.

Since then, we’ve developed games such as Squat for Crypto, which was #2 on Product Hunt, and Garfield Fit.

With NFTs and Zombies, Run!, we finally found the perfect blend to motivate people to exercise.

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william08567 (@william08567):

Did you consider community feedback/requests during the creation of your product to expand on fresh ideas for your project?

Keith Rumjahn:

Yes. Community is everything. Ultimately, I believe NFTs are about community. In all of our previous products, we always listen to the community.

Zombies, Run! spent $0 on marketing, and it’s all based on the community.

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Twitter Questions

BTSE Moderator:

Q1 (@totominhchi) — The size of the community has an impact on the success of a project. Do you plan to educate both crypto and non-crypto individuals all over the world? Is it possible that countries that do not speak English may be denied access to your project?

Keith Rumjahn:

Great question. One of the unique things about us is that we can bring in non-crypto users into this game.

Zombies, Run! is actually for the 95% of people who are not super fit. If you are super fit, then you will use other running apps.

We are experts at mobile game publishing. We have a playbook to localize to non-English countries too.

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BTSE Moderator:

Q2 (@PKragak) — Where do we expect to see DOSE Token in the short-term (at some point in 2021) and 2022 and beyond (long-term goals)? In the next 6–12 months, what features will you be launching that will make you stand out from the rest.

Keith Rumjahn:

One of the key things is that we already have an existing game engine that works well in zombies run. We expect to add blockchain and a new storyline to it very soon.

Long term, we can partner with other games and because we have close ties with Animoca Brands. We have the advantage of having our NFTs also appear in their games, such as Sandbox, REVV Racing, etc.

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BTSE Moderator:

Q3 (@FelipeA72667284) — What are your top priorities in 2021? Could you share some plans for the upcoming year? Which part of the project are you most focused on right now, and How many killer features of Your project make it ahead of its competitors? Could you tell us 2–3 features of the project?

Keith Rumjahn:

We are focused on making our running games like Dustland Runner amazing. It’s based on Zombies, Run!, but we will add deeper gameplay to it.

We think that for the economy to succeed, we need deeper gameplay and also multiple ways to play. That’s why our Ubisoft game designer, who designed Rainbow Six and Far Cry, helped design some remarkable gameplay within our game.

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BTSE Moderator:

Q4 (@ceejay83081345) — Can you tell us some of the latest achievements made by the #DOSEToken? Can you describe the current development efforts, such as market expansion plans, expected applications & new upcoming programs of events?

Keith Rumjahn:

There’s a lot I would love to share, but because we’re a public company, I can’t expose too much.

All I can say is that we have some cool IPs, strategic investors, and marketing partnerships.

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BTSE Moderator:

Q5 (@evgenia435) — Can you list 1–3 killer features of your project that make it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your platform has that you feel most confident about?

Keith Rumjahn:

The first killer feature is a proven audio running experience core game loop. Many people have tried to gamify fitness, but it’s very hard.

Secondly, we have world-class storytelling capabilities. Zombies, Run! writer is award-winning author Naomi Alderman. The story in games matters.

Thirdly, we are at the intersection of blockchain, fitness, and gaming. It’s hard to find a company out there doing all three well!

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OliveX’s Future Plans

BTSE Moderator:

What are the plans to further capitalize on the growing interest in blockchain gaming?

Keith Rumjahn:

We will focus on developing our new running game — Dustland Runner, which is designed on top of the game engine of Zombies, Run! It’s a health and fitness blockchain game that encourages and motivates people to get rewards while running. First of all, Dustland Runner has a lot of deep gameplay coming soon, which is designed by our award-winning game designer. Secondly, we aim to have multiple fitness games that are interoperable to create this fitness metaverse.

BTSE Moderator:

Do you have any plans to expand your reach to other regions for building your community and user base?

Keith Rumjahn:

Yes. Zombies, Run! is only in English right now; we have the experience and background in publishing games in Asia and the rest of the world, so we will expand it to non-English-speaking countries as well. We will also collaborate with other Animoca Brands tokens such as REVV, SAND, etc., to expand our community globally.

BTSE Moderator:

Are there any future ambitions that haven’t been covered in this AMA?

Keith Rumjahn:

Ultimately, our mission is to make the world a healthier place. If we can motivate just 1% of the world to play our games, it will change the world.

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Upcoming Events

BTSE Moderator:

What should the community anticipate in the near future for events?

Keith Rumjahn:

The biggest upcoming project for DOSE is the voucher presale on Animoca Launchpad, which is hosted by Animoca Brands. Don’t miss out on the chance to be whitelisted by entering our Gleam campaign.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to complete pre-registration.

Listing on CEXs and DEXs will happen in the week after the voucher presale. Make sure you reserve a place! Thanks, everyone!

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